
discussing challenging topics lg

Winsome Conversations

VC Connect 2022

A Practical Guide to Discuss Challenging Topics 

Keynote Address: Director of Biblical Unity

August 2021 Keynote

Loving Our Community. 

Thin Slides


CUE Craft Thin Slides is an entry-level, “low floor — high ceiling” type of #eduprotocol for developing students language skills, content knowledge, visual literacy, and creative expression through minimalist, but effective, slide design.

Madeline Hunter Lesson Planning Model


Students’ creative confidence for completing projects comes from an internal well-spring that inspires them to unleash their innovative potential. In some cases, their creativity is trapped under doubt, fear, and low self-confidence. Let’s uncover and nurture students’ natural inventiveness with simple techniques and tools that shift their mindset.


Failing into Success

Virtual CUE 2020

This is an important topic as there is nothing that hinders learning more than  fear. We know this at a biochemical level when we have stage-fright, speech fright, test fright, and > fear of failure.

The brain chemicals react and the perceived threat makes it very challenging for students to succeed.

Creativity Powered Learning

Virtual CUE 2020

Students’ creative confidence for completing projects comes from an internal well-spring that inspires them to unleash their innovative potential. In some cases, their creativity is trapped under doubt, fear, and low self-confidence. Let’s uncover and nurture students’ natural inventiveness with simple techniques and tools that shift their mindset.


ARCS Motivation

 Model for ISD

A model for adding motivational elements into training design.

GOOD! Design Basics with Google Draw (WM324)

ISTE Conference, San Antonio, TX
June 27, 2017

Discover how to fight "I'm not creative" syndrome with basic graphic design principles to create visually interesting media projects. Designed primarily for “non-graphic designer” educators, the principles and instructional model are useful for developing students’ visual literacy skills. Google Draw is the artistic medium for creating a simple project.


Visual Voice: The Treasure of Your Graphic Design

Video Presentation June 2017

Given people learn a majority of content from visual presentation, the effective presenter’s or educator’s visual voice can enhance the learner’s understanding of their message. The visual voice is like a fingerprint. It is a presenter’s communication style using images and design elements to deepen the meaning of and multiply the impact of their verbal presentation.

Graphic Design for Teaching and Learning Workshop

CUE National Conference • Palm Springs
March 16, 2017

This hands-on workshop demonstrates the power of four “action” design principles for improving all forms of visual communication. Modeling an iterative design process that is easy to follow and could be emulated in any instructional setting, the workshop will demonstrate Google Draw to create instructions for making a cup of hot cocoa. New design principles are introduced in iterative design cycles and the project is further refined. Gallery walks after each design cycle extends the creative collaboration.


Graphic Design Ideas! Whirlwind Style

CUE National Conference • Palm Springs
March 17, 2017

You’re a non-graphic designer? No worries! You can easily apply graphic principles to create well-designed projects that improves visual appeal and readers’ comprehension. Find your visual voice and improve yoru overall presentation style. Fast paced: whirlwind style!

Graphic Design Resource Sheet

CUE Fall Conference • Napa Valley / October 28, 2016

Tiered Professional Learning to Build a District's Capacity

CUE Fall Conference • Napa Valley / October 28, 2016
CUE 2016 National Conference 03/17/2016

What do you get when you cross a school district with a professional learning services organization? A sustainable model for producing edtech confident teachers who can lead their peers.

Presented with Andrew Schwab, Chief Technology Officer, Union School District, San Jose, CA


Make a Makerspace and Design Thinking Lab in Your Classroom

Fall CUE14 Conference / October 25, 2014

Presented with Corinne Takara
A makerspace is a learning environment that mashes art, design, and technology with  making projects, sprinkled with design thinking, inquiry-based learning, and collaboration to enhance the common core classroom.

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Need a longer-term commitment? Ask me about group facilitation and transformational change strategies for building student-centered learning environments, developing cultural competency leadership, and integrating design thinking for problem-solving.

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